I AM Dr. Atiya K Senegal. I have been a professional Metaphysician since 2017, yet practicing various aspects of Metaphysical Science for the past 30 years. My work follows a 360-degree approach to well-being. Within the context of this process, I help both the physical and non-physical areas of existence connect, allowing them to impact and influence one another; therefore, creating well-being that takes into consideration all aspects of life.
The scope of my work as a Doctor of Metaphysical Science includes: Ontology, which is the study of the nature of being, their properties, and the relationship between them; Cosmology, which involves the origin, nature, and evolution of the Universe and everything that is included within the universal structure, which in essence is everything; and Universal Science, which deals with the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation.
In simple terms, I go to the root of an issue and provide needed evidence-based non-allopathic and non-pharmacological therapies that are safe, minimally to non-invasive, amendable to self-care, cost-effective, integrative, and empowering. As a pathway to part of my investigation and inquiry, I seek to uncover inherent or universal elements of reality which have made an impact, yet that are not easily discovered or experienced in everyday life.
One of the misconceptions about Metaphysical Science/Metaphysics is that it is voodoo, a demi-science (lesser science), about psychic powers or astrology, useless/meaningless, or some New Age spirituality or mysticism.
Metaphysical Science is one of the five major branches of Philosophy and encompasses both the physical and non-physical aspects of realty (Universal Laws & Principles), which can be viewed as spiritual in nature. It is similar to Quantum Physics. Yet, although metaphysics and quantum physics deal with the examination of the surrounding world, the two approach the subject from two different disciplines, namely philosophy for metaphysics and science for quantum physics.”
The importance of metaphysics is that it is the basis for all ensuing philosophy. Quantum physics, however, is a way of attempting to scientifically understand how the universe works by studying its smallest parts, while metaphysics seeks to go to the origin or beginning of it all.
I have completed a clinical training program with the Community Mental Health Council, Inc. and a research training program in Ayurvedic Medicine through the National Library of Ayurvedic Medicine (NLAM). I’m also a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and a Reiki Master and Teacher. I have a rich background with a plethora of international experience working with people throughout the United States and around the world spanning from the Continent of Africa (the Congo, Liberia, Cameroon, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, and more) to Portugal, Mexico, Germany, France, Greece, Italy. In addition, I have completed both research and missionary work in the United Kingdom (5 years), the Republic of Ireland (3 years), and the Caribbean (2 years). I have published 11 books and countless empowerment essays, articles, meditation programs, and audios and videos. I have many awards to my credit, including being a former Mrs. Illinois International and 3rd Runner-up worldwide.